USA Made T-Shirts, Made in America
When you buy a T-shirt that was made in the USA, you're doing more than just purchasing apparel. You're supporting a tradition of excellence and integrity that has existed for over two centuries, a tradition of hard-working men and women creating a quality product that is worn with pride.
Made in the USA means creating and sustaining jobs for your community, powering the American economy, and even making an environmentally-friendly choice by reducing the impact of international freight. More than that, when you buy USA made T-shirts you know you will be getting the best that money can buy, and a standard of excellence that can't be beat.
See all American Made Bayside brand T-Shirts Here
One reason for this high standard is that T-shirts are not only an American product; the actual idea for T-shirts was also made in the USA! The first T-Shirts were worn and sewn by coal miners and dock workers who came up with the idea to cut their one-piece "union suits" in half so the top could be removed in warmer working conditions.
Later, t-shirts were not only made in the USA, but by the USA, when the U.S. Navy began issuing white T-shirts to be worn under heavier uniform jackets or by themselves depending on the formality of the occasion. When Marlon Brando wore a blank white T-shirt in 1951's A Streetcar Named Desire, the style burst into popularity with the American public and eventually grew to be the single most popular apparel item in the nation.
T-shirts made in the USA are the perfect fit for almost any occasion, event, or use. Blank T-shirts are often purchased in bulk quantities of a single color for church functions, non-profit organizations, family reunions or other group activities to help members easily recognize each other. A fun, patriotic variation on this idea is shown below, where a group of school children form an American flag by wearing Red, White, Blue and Yellow T-shirts in a pattern. T-shirts made in the USA are an obvious choice for political campaigns or patriotic celebrations because they are both a celebration of our history and an investment in our future.

Jonestshirts.com is proud to sell Bayside® and US Blanks brand apparel made in the USA at wholesale prices and in a variety of styles, colors and sizes.