USA Made T-Shirts, Made in America

Browse all USA Made T-Shirts, use the filters to refine your results. To see all of the Bayside brand products which include more than just Tees, go to the Bayside American Made Apparel Collection here.

You can also view the US Blanks Brand Here.

    USA Made T-Shirt

    USA Made T-Shirts, Made in America

    When you buy a T-shirt that was made in the USA, you're doing more than just purchasing apparel. You're supporting a tradition of excellence and integrity that has existed for over two centuries, a tradition of hard-working men and women creating a quality product that is worn with pride.

    Made in the USA means creating and sustaining jobs for your community, powering the American economy, and even making an environmentally-friendly choice by reducing the impact of international freight. More than that, when you buy USA made T-shirts you know you will be getting the best that money can buy, and a standard of excellence that can't be beat.

    See all American Made Bayside brand T-Shirts Here

    One reason for this high standard is that T-shirts are not only an American product; the actual idea for T-shirts was also made in the USA! The first T-Shirts were worn and sewn by coal miners and dock workers who came up with the idea to cut their one-piece "union suits" in half so the top could be removed in warmer working conditions.

    Later, t-shirts were not only made in the USA, but by the USA, when the U.S. Navy began issuing white T-shirts to be worn under heavier uniform jackets or by themselves depending on the formality of the occasion. When Marlon Brando wore a blank white T-shirt in 1951's A Streetcar Named Desire, the style burst into popularity with the American public and eventually grew to be the single most popular apparel item in the nation.

    T-shirts made in the USA are the perfect fit for almost any occasion, event, or use. Blank T-shirts are often purchased in bulk quantities of a single color for church functions, non-profit organizations, family reunions or other group activities to help members easily recognize each other. A fun, patriotic variation on this idea is shown below, where a group of school children form an American flag by wearing Red, White, Blue and Yellow T-shirts in a pattern. T-shirts made in the USA are an obvious choice for political campaigns or patriotic celebrations because they are both a celebration of our history and an investment in our future.

    American Made T-Shirt is proud to sell Bayside® and US Blanks brand apparel made in the USA at wholesale prices and in a variety of styles, colors and sizes.

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